Act Now and Reap the Benefits of Filing Your 2023-2024 Tax Returns Early!

Filing your tax returns well ahead of the January 31st, 2025 deadline can bring numerous advantages. Here are some compelling reasons to consider filing early: 1. Improve Financial Planning Knowing your tax liability early helps you plan your finances better for the rest of the year. Whether you owe money or are expecting a refund, … Read more

HMRC asks VAT businesses to prove UK establishment

Online marketplaces have been liable for the output VAT from sales on their platforms by overseas traders since January 2021. HMRC believes that some non-established taxable persons (NETPs) have incorporated in the UK and provided UK address details to marketplaces to avoid these rules.   Read More Where this happens, the NETP can fail to declare … Read more

Action required by those holding certificates of tax deposit

Certificates need to be used by 23 November 2023. The value on HMRC’s books is £89m. The deadline for using a certificate of tax deposit (CTD) to settle a tax bill is 23 November 2023.    After that date, the normal process for making a withdrawal will apply.   The current value of outstanding CTDs not yet resolved, or in … Read more

ICAEW welcomes HMRC proposals on Terminal Markets Order

The Terminal Markets Order needs updating, but ICAEW questions why the proposed simplification doesn’t go further. HMRC’s consultation on reforming the Terminal Markets Order (TMO) proposed to modernise the legislation that underpins the VAT treatment of certain wholesale commodity transactions.  In its response, ICAEW’s Tax Faculty agreed that the TMO needed modernising. It was broadly supportive of … Read more

ICAEW comments on decarbonising UK energy production

In its response to a consultation on the UK’s oil and gas fiscal regime, ICAEW stressed the dangers of overreliance on oil and gas to meet current and future energy demand and highlighted the opportunities that can be created from investment in low carbon technology. The consultation response highlights the fact that, while half of the … Read more